Reducing the cost of best practice

Blue.Point partners with health system supply chain and value analysis teams to identify, implement, and sustain product utilization savings. Blue.Point has built advanced data management capabilities that enable a health system to have unprecedented visibility into the products they are using on their patients to identify clinical practice variation. Our detailed analytics, combined with our best practice research allows health systems to compare their usage and practice across their system, to other IDNs, as well as to clinical best practices.

Success Stories


Clinical Care

Evidence-based practice is a key driver in healthcare today. We’re helping health systems pursue this care transformation by eliminating unnecessary variation in practice and product usage.

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Supply Chain And Clinicians
Working As One

Improved care and decreased expenses can no longer be achieved in silos. Our solutions provide a framework to facilitate productive cross-departmental discussions and uncover new opportunities.

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Change Management
Made Manageable

It is not enough to simply know a savings opportunity exists. We are making implementation easier, helping educate end-users about change, and measuring the results of their actions.

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  • Central Maine Healthcare

The Subtle (or not so subtle) Meaning Behind "i Can't"

I recently had a conversation with a colleague about the high cost of a certain category of medical devices purchased in their system..

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Blue.Point's Target Report identified the savings opportunity. Action Plans revealed a high usage rate of ‘closed’ IV systems and overall IV catheters when compared to the benchmark.

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New and Improved Platform is Now Live!

Blue.Point constantly works behind the scenes to improve our platform.

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