What We Do

Uncontrolled variation is the enemy of quality.

- William Edwards Deming

Blue.Point’s solutions support hospitals and healthcare providers by identifying, implementing, and sustaining changes to product selection and clinical practice variances that may affect the overall cost and quality of care.

Our solutions deliver answers to the most common and difficult questions imposed on value teams:

  • How do my hospitals’ product usage and clinical practices compare to other hospitals?
  • What are the industry-accepted best practices and how do my hospitals’ compare?
  • How do we generate a pipeline of savings opportunities for our value analysis teams to work on?
  • What is the step-by-step roadmap to implement change?
  • How do I track implementation progress over the short term and long term?

Hospitals need new savings. We are here to help.

Hospitals have aggressive goals to achieve savings across all its departments and service lines. Historical approaches to savings are producing dwindling or exhausted results, but real savings opportunities still exist in product utilization. The method to tackle product utilization needs to be different from those historical approaches and help engage clinicians, value leaders, and supply chain alike.





Blue.Point is turning data into actionable information.

Blue.Point shows clinical product utilization savings opportunities from an end-user perspective. Our proprietary approach ensures our customers consider and compare the right products for the right patients and practice. Customers can find their opportunities in our business intelligence platform, which allows them to create and prioritize an ongoing pipeline of projects.


Facilitating collaboration between supply chain and clinical teams.

Moving from opportunity to implementation can be challenging, and at Blue.Point, we get that. The priority at hospitals is quality patient care; and we know that the clinicians who care for the patients in your hospital are often the same stakeholders involved in your hospitals’ cost reduction projects. That’s why at Blue.Point, we’ve made sure our solutions are comprehensive, yet clear and concise. Our goal is to make sure that the information we provide to our end-users is credible, understandable, and actionable.

We’re pulling together the industry best-practice standards that are examined objectively by licensed clinicians who have experience with the products and practices they research. We then combine that research with your hospitals’ usage data, so you can have greater visibility into how products are actually being consumed. Identifying variation in products may also indicate variation in patient care. Additionally, we compare your usage rates and the researched best-practices to other hospitals across the country. All this information is delivered in regularly updated Action Plan checklists that tell you exactly where your hospitals’ opportunities are, who to engage, what to do next, and where you’re doing great. This information is also displayed visually in our business intelligence platform, using interactive tools and on-demand reports that provide unprecedented visibility and guidance.


You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

Implementation may be challenging, but tracking progress comes with many nuances of its own. How do you know that the changes made in your hospital are successful? Did you achieve the anticipated savings? Now that your resources have moved on to other projects, who is monitoring the completed projects and who is crunching the updated numbers?

Blue.Point designed a solution in our business intelligence platform, to help alleviate the difficulties tracking and trending the progress of implemented projects. Using Blue.Point, you can monitor changes within a category over time and ensure that each department is adhering to your newly established practices. This information never goes away and it’s always available, so you can check in on your progress and adherence as often as you’d like.

Blue.Point has experience working with acute care hospitals and health systems representing a wide variety of patient volumes, nursing specialties, surgical service lines, and acuities. By combining this experience with our analytics calculators, we can quickly estimate savings for your hospital and show you Blue.Point successes with hospitals similar to yours.

Find out how much we can save your health system

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